Thursday, June 14, 2012

Shareware- What is it?


I am speaking of those rotation lessons again and wanted to share with you this one on shareware.  It is very easy to do a google search for shareware, but I have collected some fun small programs over the years which I allow students to play in class!  Find out what the shareware term means!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ebay Introduction

Ebay Introduction

Have you ever wondered how Ebay works? This screen video allows you the chance to see how we search Ebay for things we might want to "bid on" in the future.  It is meant as a real simple introduction, but does not include details on how to bid.  That will be another lesson.

 And of course the bidding lesson will be better suited for the older students out there!  

However, you could do a "family account."  Basically one eBay ID would be used for the entire family which might help prevent strange purchases and over bidding from our younger students.

Introduction Video

Don't forget to let me know with a comment if you liked this!  And just a shout out to my own "Aunt Judy".....hope this gives you a start.  Tune in soon to see how to get an Ebay account so that you will be ready to bid.

Future lesson include...How I make money selling my treasures on eBay.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Free Summer Fun!

From blogs to live animal cameras, using my portaportal web sites during the summer will help entertain even the adults in the family.  You will find Math links, fun games, weather, amusement park links and Internet Safety cartoons as well as music.  If you were to sit down at a computer for a couple of hours each day, this set of websites would last you almost three weeks!

Have fun and stay safe with these links!  Guest Access mrsashley

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Make your own tennis shoes!

Last year we did a series of rotations in the classroom.  Every 10 minutes students went to the next "station" which would have a video set of instructions or an activity to do.  This rotation was a "fun" way to use technology in everyday life.

Hope your show looks better than mine!